Bo and To's Family

96 Episodes

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46 Episodes

The First Date


Bori stays up all night making a valentine’s card for his crush Nya-Nya, and so on their date he's falls asleep. Toto and Mochi’s job is to get him to wake up.

James the Star


James, the poodle, gets into social media and becomes obsessed with comments posted on his pictures and videos. Tired of James wanting more and more, Bori, Toto, and Mochi decide to teach him a lesson.

Cat Nip Cat Nap


Toto and Mochi get into a fight; Mr. A tries to distract them with treats and it seems to be working. But eventually, their fights go on and on. Mr. A loses his patience with them and accidentally hurts innocent Bori.

K9 Investigator


Mochi's favorite toy cat is found broken at Mr A’s rooftop apartment and Bori is the prime suspect. James, the poodle, investigates the "crime" scene and gathers evidence to find the true culprit.

Playing Doctors


Mr. A gets sick. Bori turns into a doctor who performs western medicine on Mr. A. Toto turns into a monk who performs Asian treatments. Bori fights with Toto over their different treatment methods. Will Mr. A be able to feel better?

A Plush Toy Cat of Horrors


Mochi looks out of the window of Bo & To’s cafe at the sunset, and sneaks out when night falls. The next morning, Mr. A finds a dirty stuffed cat in the cafe, unable to figure out where it came from, he puts it in a warehouse, but it keeps come back to his cafe the next morning!!

Pinky the Cutie


James falls in love at first sight with the cute Pinky who appears in front of him while Bori and his gang of cats are taking pictures of him. However, Pinky doesn't show any interest in James. Can James win Pinky's attention?

Bori the Genius


Mr. A notices Bori is a bright and gifted cat, so he starts training him, imagining all the attention from the press he would get. However, Bori soon gets overwhelmed by the overenthusiastic training.

Walking Bori on a Leash


Mr. D is too busy to take James out for a walk, so James decides to take Bori out for a walk. Bori is a domestic cat who is scared of going to far from home so when James is distracted and Bori gets left ourside, he doesn’t know what to do!

Save the Egg


A sad mother pigeon who lost her egg finds a huge unknown egg. She adopts it and treats it like her own, but while looking for food, it disappears. The poor mother pigeon searches the rooftop garden for her missing egg.



Tired of the pranks his cat’s play on him, Mr. A uncharacteristically starts to get a kick out of pranking his three cats. Bori, Toto, and Mochi can't take it anymore and plan to prank him back. Will Mr. A learn his lesson?

Halloween Day


Night time Halloween pranks keep Mr. A from baking in peace. Mr A’ abandons the kitchen and after he leaves, Bori and his gang party at the Cafe.

Robotic Vacuum Cleaner


Mochi breaks the remote control to Mr. A's robotic vacuum cleaner. The cleaner starts to malfunction and chases Bori, creating chaos in the house.

Save Pinky


James dashes out of Mr. D's hair salon to the rooftop house to show off something he has found to Bori and his gang of cats. But, he finds them hanging out with Pinky. Jealous, James imagines himself saving Pinky from Bori and his gang. Will James' imagination come true?

Bori and the Artist


Bori turns into a painter and starts adding to a painting Mr A has already begun. Bori's painted butterflies fly off the canvas and come to life. He starts to paint all kinds of living things and Toto and Mochi join in.

Making a Decision


Ms. G feeds two kinds of food to her dog, Pie. But he can't decide which one to eat first. The chicken-flavored one is familiar to him but the tuna-flavored one is something he always wanted to try. Will indecisive Pie ever be able to make up his mind?



Bori, Toto, and Mochi refuse to eat the new cat food Mr. A has given them, so Mr A goes out to fetch something else despite the stormy weather. Meanwhile, Bori and the gang find a way to play dominoes with the tasteless food.



Bori makes a snowman outside the snow-covered café but it is soon ruined by the playful Toto and Mochi. Bori gently fixes the snowman, and an amazing thing happens!

While You Were Sleeping


Bori and his gang of cats spend all night shooting fun videos and pictures of themselves with Mr. A's cell phone. The next morning, they realize they forgot to delete all the videos and pictures they had taken. Will Mr. A find out about his cats' secret life?



James imagines himself using hypnosis to win Pinky's heart, but he accidently uses it on himself and imagines he is dancing with Pinky.



Mr. A is busy baking cookies for his Christmas party with his family, but due to the bad weather, his family is unable to come. Bori, Toto, and Mochi plan a surprise party for him to cheer him up.

The Heating Pad


Mr. A takes out a blanket to keep him warm in the cold weather, but Bori and his gang of cats soon take it over. So, Mr. A ends up sleeping on the cold floor, but somehow he's getting warmer as time passes.



James uses a metal detector to search for treasure but messes up the whole yard by digging. Bori tries to stop this, but gets a shock from the metal detector together with James.



Mr. A bakes and decorates a cake for Ms. G but Mochi destroys it in his absence. When Mr. A comes back, he finds Bori trying to fix Mochi's mistake but Mr. A misunderstands his intentions.



Mr. A buys a brand new cat tower and assembles it but his three cats don't show any interest in it. Mr. A keeps ordering cat supplies and has high hopes that his cats will eventually show some interest.

Cat vs Dog


Mr. A is charmed by Moong, the hyper puppy who lives next door. Unlike his standoffish cats, Moong seems much more friendly to him. So, he takes Moong for a walk. However, he can't handle the hyper energy and soon gets exhausted.

Hidden Gifts


James can't bear to see Pie keep getting bullied by Mochi, so he tries to make Pie stronger through some hard training. But it seems there is no hope for Pie.



It's the time of year when cats shed their thick winter coats. Bori tries to distract Mochi with a fake tail made out of his shed fur, making Mochi follow him around everywhere. Can Bori enjoy the peaceful nap he so badly craves?

Returning Snowman


Spring comes, the wooden stick left by the snowman begin to grow leaves. Bori trims it into a small snowman-like topiary with all his heart. It then comes to life, and thinks Bori is its mother.

Counselling Centre


James opens a counselling session, but all neighbourhood animals prefer Bori's counselling centre. James makes a plan to attract customers by wearing a mask that make him look like Bori.

Super Model


Pinky asks Bori to sign up for the Supermodel competition as her partner. But James employs experts to make him look fit and muscular to prove to Pinky that he is a better partner for her.

What is in the Chest?


There is a treasure chest beloved by Mr. A which he doesn't allow anyone to open. The three cats are dying to know what's inside, so they make a master plan to open it while Mr. A is asleep.

Dangerous Family


Mr. A gets upset to see a messy house due to his mischievous cats after finishing a hard day's work. He imagines how his life will be like if his three cats clean, cook, and act cute for him. Then the imagination becomes reality! Will Mr.A be happy now?

The Bird who Cried Wolf


Bud is disappointed with the fact that his owner is too busy to play with him. Wanting to draw someone's attention, he pretends he is injured, and poor Bori fell for it. Bori ends up doing many errands for fake-injured Bud.



Bori and his gang are in the rooftop house and are wasting electricity. This causes a sudden blackout, and Mr. A tries everything he can think of to generate electricity to charge his cell phone.



Bori is quarantined from the others due to his skin infection, but he badly wants to attend a party. Toto and Mochi try to help Bori escape the isolation room temporary built by Mr A.

The Heat Wave


Mr. A gets an insane electric bill, so he tries to save electricity by turning off the air conditioner during the hot summer. But Bori and his gang of cats turn it back on and even make modifications. This leads to a serious malfunction.

Photo Album


Mr. A starts to clean the messy rooftop house but soon gets distracted by a comic book. After a good deal of reading, he finds old pictures of Bori in the comic book, and is lost in his happy memories with little Bori.

Robotic Cat


Cat toy robot moves around waving toys. Toto wants it to do more than just be a toy, so he modifies it into a robot maid. The robot starts to serve Bori, Toto and Mochi day and night, but it soon gets tired and dreams of freedom.



Mr. A is about to eat a burger but he is interrupted by a phone call. Bori and his gang seizes this opportunity and plan to share the burger, but they keep trying to make the burger better. How far can they stretch their happy image of a giant burger?

Uninvited Guest


On a stormy day, an unknown intruder enters Mr. A's cafe and makes a mess. Bori chases after the intruder, but it keeps getting away. Meanwhile, Mr. A thinks that Bori is the one making the mess.



Mr. A gets a brand-new pillow for his neck pain. Bori and Toto both like it, but it's too small for two cats to share. So, they come up with an idea to a huge pillow stuffed with clothes and other things…

Remote Control


James finds a time-stopping remote control. When he presses the stop button, everyone stops but himself. James plays all kinds of pranks on his friends, but later realizes that while time has stopped for everyone else, it went on for him. What will James look like as time moves on just for him?

The Old Kettle


Mr. A fails in his cafe business which has been run by his family for generations. He sadly begins to clean when he picks up an old kettle that belonged to his parents. Then, Bori the genie appears and is bound to grant the wish of the person holding the kettle. Can Mr. A bring everything back to normal?

Living With Cats


Cats just want to sit on your fresh laundry, run around at 3 am and make you buy stuff for them insteaed of for yourself. Still, Mr. A is happy and loves his cats who make him laugh and warm his heart.

Infinite Loop of Fear


Bori's enjoying sweet music and the smell of bread baking at the cafe. Suddenly, he's taken to the vet by Mr. A. He screams and then wakes up to the same music, smell and is being taken to the vet again. Is he still in his nightmare?

50 Episodes

Move In


Mr. A and Bori move into what appears to be a sketchy neighborhood. Later that night, Bori wakes up to a suspicious sound...

Electric Fan


Bori cools off with a parasol and an electric fan on a hot day, but peace never lasts.

Nightmare 1


One stormy night, Bori nervously carries a golden anchovy in his briefcase while shadows creep ever closer.

Summer Vacation


3 ways to spend summer vacation according to Bori, Toto, and Mochi.

Cat Toy


How do Bori, Toto, Mochi, and Moong react to a cat toy?



What happens when Bori, Toto, Mochi, and Moong go bowling?



After some boxing work out, Bori opens his locker to find something strange within. What awaits Bori?

Christmas 1


Mr. A is under pressure to meet a deadline on Christmas Day. After a long day’s work, he’s greeted by his cats.

Valentine's Day


Mr. A prepares a Valentine's Day event making Bori, Toto, and Mochi shaped chocolate icing cookies.

Come Back


One afternoon, Bori, Toto, and Mochi wake up in a box. They look out as if they can see you.



Bori feels sleepy due to the warm weather, but he tries to stay awake.

Me First


Mr. A and Toto play the silliest game called "stack your hands."



Bori, Toto, and Mochi get closer to him stealthily every time he doesn't look at them.

Spring Day


Bori sunbathes in peace but he is interrupted by Mochi and Toto.

Cat A Genius


Mr. A tries to play the shell game with his cats. How will Bori, Toto, and Mochi respond?

Toenail Clippers


Mr. A tries to clip Toto's claws, while Toto tries to flee.

Flower Bed


Bori enjoys taking care of his flower-bed. Meanwhile, Mochi plays with the plants and destroys it.

Wake Up


How Bori wakes Mr. A. up in the morning.



The constant troublemaker Mochi destroys Mr. A's laptop.

The Purpose Of Arms 1


How does Bori use Mr. A's arm?

The Purpose Of Arms 2


How does Toto use Mr. A's arm?

Box 1


Bori is excited to see delivery boxes lying on the table, but all the good-sized boxes are occupied.

Fall Asleep


Mr. A feels like goofing around when Mochi is asleep on his lap.



Mr. A tries to take social media pictures of his cats while they are sleeping. But the pictures don't turn out great.

Cooking Show


Bori and Toto have a cooking competition for Mr. A who has a cold. Who makes better soup for him?

Waste Paper


Bori scolds Mochi for playing with toilet paper. But Bori soon faces an irresistibly strong temptation.

Nothing I Want To Do


Mr. A wants to go to the toilet in peace. But this isn't an option for a cat owner.



Cats who cook, do housework, and massage makes Mr. A’s day, but…



Warm sunlight comes through the window and shifts over time, much to Bori, Toto, and Mochi’s enjoyment.



Mr. A likes playing mobile games in his bed but can’t use both hands because Bori likes to sleep on his arm.



Mochi plays with a Bori-shaped cushion, but nothing beats the real thing.



Bori’s ready to have lunch, but Toto and Mochi are hungry too.



Mr. A and his cats chill out in the rooftop garden, but once Mr. A leaves, a baseball game begins.



Bori has a big crush on NyaNya, a white cat next door, but he makes a fool of himself in front of her.



Mr. A and his cats have a small Halloween costume party. But an unexpected guest drops by.



Mr. A uses all the toys to attract the cats' attention, but they don't show any interest.



It's moulting season. Mr. A is troubled by his cats' hair flying around the house, but he has a brilliant idea.

Box 2


Bori becomes very excited when Mr. A's parcel arrives. He jumps into this brand-new cardboard box, but soon Toto takes it over.

Christmas 2


On a cold, snowy Christmas Day, Bori becomes "The Little Match Cat". What's the story behind this?

New Year


Mr. A and his cats await the sunrise on New Year's Day, recalling last year's memories while looking through the photo album.



Mr. A plays with his cats using a laser pointer, but it seems like there's another purpose for it…



The ancient art of Calligraphy, according to cats.



A duel between two warriors for the prize of the "golden anchovy."

Army Cat


Bori, Toto, and Mochi make a mess of the whole house. This looks like some strict discipline is needed.

Spring Has Come


Spring has come. Mr. A and his cats doze off under the warm sunshine.



Operation Bedtime is under way!



Mochi is tired of playing alone, and begs the reluctant Toto and Bori to join.



Anything can be a toy if you’re a cat.

So What


Cats being cats. For better or worse.

Nightmare 2


Bori finds everyone unconscious, and hasn’t the strength to help them.